For almost 50 years, Primeplus Norfolk Senior Center (Primeplus NSC) has offered a variety of supportive programs for older adults to help prevent premature placement in nursing homes, enhance their quality of life as they age and to provide the services needed to maintain their independence. Primeplus NSC offers an Active Adult program, providing over 50 classes each month such as woodshop, ceramics, computers, and more. Additional programs include hot meals served Monday through Friday through a Nutrition program, a care coordination program called Ask Primeplus and an Adult Day Services respite program for those with a memory impairment or medical frailty who require some supervision. They even host AARP’s Tax Aid program to provide free taxes. Executive Director Lynne Berg also serves on the Mayor’s Commission on Poverty and the Mayor’s Commission on Aging and Long Term Care. Ms. Berg explains, “19.9% of the individuals in Hampton Roads live in poverty and of that 15,000 are seniors. Primeplus NSC is truly making a difference in peoples’ lives, daily.”
Several years ago Primeplus NSC reached out to Mode5 to help upgrade their existing server infrastructure and manage their on-premises network. It was critical to get a stable network up and running because they are a small non-profit organization, and as such, “we are just not able to hire an IT person on staff to work with us.” Mode5 deployed a new server and the network performed optimally for several years. However, when it was time for another upgrade, Ms. Berg, had to make a decision about whether to reinvest in an on-premises server solution or not.
“Five years down the road, components began to become obsolete… we had to ask ourselves if we should reinvest in that entire infrastructure, and if so, what are the pros and cons? The disadvantages for our agency became obvious”, says Ms. Berg. “Non-profits often must utilize grants to pay for capital expenditures and because of the economy, much of that money is not available anymore. In addition, we recognized that the agency would be faced with the same situation further down the road. We needed to take a big picture approach to make this decision.”
Mode5 provided our Managed Services for Primeplus NSC’s’ on-premises network which consisted of an HP Proliant ML350 Server running Small Business Server 2003 and several desktop computers. The server had reached its end of life and was due for a replacement. In addition, a new backup solution would have to be implemented as the tape drive backup was at its end of life as well and several of the 18+ desktops needed to be replaced.
Primeplus NSC was presented with two different options to move forward. Mode5 could continue the Mode5 Managed Service by implementing a new on-premises server and backup. Primeplus NSC could choose Mode5 Cloud and move their applications and data to Mode5's Data Center.
After evaluating the costs of managed services plus an upfront capital expenditure verses the monthly costs associated with Mode5 Cloud, Primeplus NSC selected Mode5 Cloud. “I know that for us, moving our expenditures into an ongoing service rather than putting it into hardware and capital expenditures just makes perfect sense,” says Ms. Berg.
Because of Mode5 Cloud, Primeplus NSC was also able to purchase inexpensive thin client hardware to replace the more expensive desktop computers. “With a local server network, I knew that I would have to replace not only the server, but also 18 desktops. Rather than repeat the past, we wanted a solution that was going to help us avoid a large capital expenditure, deliver more capacity, provide us with confidence, and overall be a much simpler system. Mode5 Cloud has answered all those questions for us,” Ms. Berg explained.
What are the biggest benefits of Mode5 Cloud? “I no longer worry about server obsolescence and have the security of knowing our backup is no longer done using backup tape. We don’t have to physically send disks/tapes home at night with different staff members to off-site locations to protect our data. We know when the power goes out; our server is not going to go down. I enjoy peace of mind knowing that we have moved in this direction and the services and support that Mode5 Cloud offers really makes this possible.” There are other benefits as well. “More room on the floor!” says Ms. Berg. Without the need for servers, backups, and more, Primeplus NSC can focus on their mission to help older adults age successfully and clear up some space to boot.
While many non-profits struggle to justify IT expenditures, Ms. Berg sees the advanced technology as a benefit. “As a manager of an operation who is very sensitive to expenditure, I have felt confident about moving forward with Mode5 Cloud. Some non-profit organizations may hesitate, thinking this move might be cost-prohibitive. We are able to manage our implementation based on our needs, moving staff into the thin clients at a pace that’s comfortable for the agency and at a much-reduced cost when compared to purchasing complete desktops and all while avoiding purchasing a new server every few years. This move has been cost effective, and made our operations much simpler and as the director, I am very comfortable with the results.”
The staff is enjoying Mode5 Cloud as well. “They’re able to very quickly get on and offline, they’re able to get in and out of programs, they are comfortable and it has really improved the efficiency of the data entry and the other facets of our operations.”
Ms. Berg did have an initial reservation about moving to Mode5 Cloud, “My only reservation with moving to Mode5 Cloud was I wasn’t certain if the thin client hardware was going to let us do everything a full desktop could.” Now she feels very satisfied with her decision to purchase thin clients over desktops. “For the majority of our staff, the thin client is the way to go. It’s the perfect solution for those who are doing the basic data entry and word processing. We love it!”
“I would recommend Mode5 Cloud without any hesitation whatsoever for a variety of reasons. Number one, it is a cost effective and efficient way to run an office and to have the support needed for daily operations. In addition, using Mode5 Cloud assures that the infrastructure for our data collection is safely maintained and secure. Finally, it is fiscally responsible, eliminating the need to continually budget for updated server hardware in place to support our operations. And all of these things have really made it a no-brainer for our organization.”
Mode5 Mail powered by Microsoft Exchange
Mode5 Apps powered by Citrix XenApp, and Microsoft Office
Mode5 Support powered by the best support team in the business
Mode5 Easy Migration Service powered by the best implementation team in the business
HP Thin Client Technology