Do You Have the Right Network Security in Place for Your Business

Your phone is ringing off the hook from people giving you some bad news. You realize that one of your worst business nightmares has come true: Your business network has been hacked! You thought this would never happen to you, and you thought you were safe. So, what happened?
We truly hope that you don’t find yourself in this position. Keeping businesses safe from these types of vulnerabilities is what we do, so we hate to hear it when a business has been hit. Whether some hacker has compromised your email address and is spamming everyone you know with a ransomware document to open, or some other virus has been downloaded by accident from one of your employees. The time is NOW to ask yourself if you have the right network security in place for your business.
Finding the answers to these questions is simple. Whether you have an internal IT department handling all your IT needs (aka the “computer guy or gal” in the office), or you have a Managed IT service plan in place; it’s important to ask yourself if you have the right security provisions by asking a few quick questions:
Do you have a firewall in place?
If you are asking yourself what a firewall is after reading that question, then you may be in bigger trouble than you ever thought. The purpose of a firewall is to help block any unwanted traffic from penetrating your network. With security threats high with hackers and data breaches, a standard firewall may no longer be enough. Be sure to check with your current security plan to make sure you have the best firewall to keep your business safe.
Do you have anti-virus software installed?
Having anti-virus software installed on your network is not that uncommon, however is your anti-virus software being maintained and updated? Whether you are using a NOC (Network Operations Center) to keep tabs on network security or your IT department is handling the updates, check and make sure it’s being done.
Do you have any other extra layers Advanced Security?
Hackers nowadays are very smart and are getting smarter every day. Even with some of these security services in place, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Ultimately, the best way to keep these hackers out and off your networks is to build a fortress around it. Find out from your current IT solution if there are additional options like intrusion prevention, web filtering, and more.
Questions? If you have any questions or if you would like to learn more about Advanced Security, please contact us at 757-628-8324 or contact us.