What You Need To Know About...

In 2014, Microsoft Windows XP machines lost their Windows support and security patch management after reaching the end of their lifecycle. Then, the nasty Wanna Cry and Petya ransomware viruses hit, critically impacting businesses all over the world.
Those impacted encountered:
Loss of business data
Large sums paid in ransom
Loss of overall productivity
By January 2020, Microsoft will stop updating and patching Windows 7 and Server 2008, ending the lifecycle of those products.
What Does this Mean for Your Current Windows 7 Machines and 2008 Server?
Although you may still use your current Windows 7 and Server 2008 machines, now is the time to start planning the move for your updates. They are safe for now, but 2020 will be here before you know it!
Proactive Planning Can Keep You Safe
If you fall into the category of users who will require these updates, contact your IT company now to schedule your updates. Depending on the size of your business and how many items you need updated, you will want to proactively plan for those updates, sooner than later. Although 2020 may seem a lifetime away, it will be here before you know it. Managed IT companies like Mode5, who may have Technical Account Managers, should already be preparing your technology roadmaps for these changes.
Questions? If you have questions, please contact us for more information at 757-628-8324 or visit us at www.mode5.com.